About the Association


The Association for Investment in Popular Action Committees lives for its Sponsored Projects, of which there have been more than twenty since its founding in 2006. These include our first project, the International Solidarity Movement of Northern California and the spectacularly successful Free Gaza Movement, which broke the siege of Gaza by sea in August, 2008, and which became independent from the Association since then.
Other projects that closed or became independent include 14 Friends of Palestine, No Tax Dollars to Israel, the Barbara J. Raskin Scholarship Fund, the Global March to Jerusalem – North America, and others. We continue to fiscally sponsor projects concerned with human rights in West Asia and Latin America, as well as some that have no specific location, such as the Serena Shim Award, but we are open to sponsorship without geographic limitations.
The Association accepts projects that provide humanitarian aid and defend human rights and international law, with particular emphasis on those that are targets of powerful nations and interests, and which are often reviled in the corporate media of these countries.  We oppose violations of the national sovereignty of nations that pursue a national and foreign policy that is independent from, and not necessarily to the liking of, or approved by, the powerful.  We particularly defend indigenous peoples and their rights to sovereignty, as well as the repressed and their rights to dignity and human rights.  We defend the despised, the disenfranchised, and the objects of vilification campaigns, often by media that are widely regarded as respectable and who shape public opinion.  We welcome projects that expose deception, repression of information and corruption of the centers of power.

We operate as a charitable human rights and humanitarian aid organization according to the nonprofit regulations and requirements of the State of California and the US Internal Revenue Service, as a tax exempt 501(c)(3), EIN 20-5516191. Our currently active projects, linked to their websites, are shown below. Donations to all are tax-deductible.

Palestine Children’s Welfare Fund
Good Shepherd Collective
Free Palestine Movement
Syria Support Movement
Serena Shim Award
Resumen Latinoamericano
One State Assembly

Groups that wish to create additional projects under our sponsorship are welcome to offer proposals. Proposals will be assessed on the basis of consistency with our objectives and ability to operate under requirements that allow us to maintain our nonprofit 510(c)(3) status.

Donate to the Association

Make a tax-deductible donation to the Association’s important work. The Association for Investment in Popular Action Committees is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, U.S. tax identification number 20-5516191, authorized by the Internal Revenue Service to receive tax exempt donations for human rights advocacy and humanitarian aid.

Send a check to: 

Association for Investment in Popular Action Committees
405 Vista Heights Road
El Cerrito, CA 94530, USA

PLEASE NOTE:  We are required by the US Internal Revenue Service to provide receipt letters to all persons or institutions that donate more than $250 in one calendar year.  Our practice is to provide receipt letters for all donations of $50 or more, and to mail them all at one time in January for the preceding year.  If you need an earlier acknowledgment, please let us know.

Contact Us

If you have any difficulties with the form, email us at assinvpopactcom@gmail.com. 

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